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How to get the best of "Testing Block"

Lachlan McLeod

What to expect for the “Kia Maia Testing Block”

Alright team we hope you have enjoyed this weeks “Deload” and are as excited as we are for the upcoming “Testing Block” starting this Monday 21st June.

We just wanted to write a quick blog on what too expect and how to get the best out of the next 14 days.

So here it goes…. What to expect…. 1. We will be testing a fair few of our main lifts throughout the fortnight, you will notice that they a spread across the 2 weeks to allow your body & C.N.S (central nervous system) adequate time to recover and get your best results.

2. We will be testing across all programs that we run, Olympic lifting, X40, Engine Room and CrossFit. So if you’ve been on the fence about joining a new program/class this is now your chance.

3. We are introducing all new “benchmark workouts’ for this block, this will give us a starting point as coaches to see where you are all at and how the training cycle will flow. It will also give you some insight on what to expect over the next 12 weeks. 4. Like our normal day to day program we will be running a “Fitness” and “Performance” Option, So it will be easy to track through Wodify. How to get the best out of the “Testing Block” 1. Pre plan your week and stay consistent… Pre reserve your spots through Wodify or organise sessions with your training buddy/ group to have the accountability. 2. We are definitely getting into that tricky part of the year… Its dark, wet, cold and sometimes traffic is s..thouse or the bed is so comfy BUT remember how good you feel when you’ve hit a workout before or after your day and hung out with mates at the gym , throw in a cheeky PB or 2 then we are on a definite high. 3. Track your results in the system… How do we know we are getting better unless they are tracked and we can see progress. 4. Up your food intake with good quality foods… you will be burning a bit more this week so your body needs the fuel. 5. Stretch, mobilise and body maintenance … Yep this should be a part of your weekly routine, you can do all the training in the world but if we have restrictions in our body then we are not reaching our full potential.. 6. Sleep/Rest and Recover ; make sure you are getting adequate sleep through the week and Please stick yo your normal training routine… Don’t train extra days just because. 7. This is the start of the “training block” not the end… so every lift does not need to be a Personal Best… So there you go team, we hope this helps and gives you a outline on what to expect over the next 2 weeks… Please if you have any question ask myself or one of the coaches.. Looking forward to a epic week team.


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